What is the internet?

Zoe Norton
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

The internet is the medium that links every thing in the world together. It links people in the U.S. to people in China. It links recipes with aspiring chefs or people who need to cook for their family but don’t have the slightest idea how. It’s what helps link U.S. citizens to their representatives and stay better informed on politics. It links scientists with the most up to date research of the time. It links everything together on one medium.

where is the internet? The internet is everywhere. It runs through the air going from a satellite to your computer/phone/TV back to a satellite, then to a place that stores that information or to another computer if you are communicating to someone.

What is not the internet? Anything that cannot be linked digitally. For example: physical copies of books, printed pictures, written recipes by pen and paper, spoken communication that was not videoed, or anything that is digital and saved to a hard-drive but not to the cloud, or to the rest of the world. Thing’s that cannot be accessed unless passed physically.

How many internets are there? One. There are many sites and browsers to find sites, however there is only one internet that links all of the sites and the browsers together. WIFIs could be argued to be their own individual internets, however I see WIFI as a subsection of the internet as a whole.

What is the internet becoming? A space for anyone to be a political advocate or for anyone to become a celebrity. Tik Tok is the main example of this, as you can get famous for doing the simplest of things.

Is the internet alive? Biologically speaking, no. The internet is something that bounces off satellites and has no DNA. IF you are speaking rhetorically, the internet could be alive if you argued that living is defined as changing based on public opinion or public use.

What do you love about the internet? I love being able to access the news so quickly. I enjoy being up to date on everything political. Being able to access bills quickly by searching the number on the government website is very useful in staying current.

What scares you? What scares me about the internet is that there are so many sites that spread fake information, and humans have been increasingly more vulnerable to the seeming efficiency of the internet, therefore lacking the patients to check the validity of a statement.

